Personalised Care in Cancer

This patient information is for people who are having treatment for cancer. It will give you information about how we offer cancer care and what might happen during and at the end of your treatment.
Cancer can affect your life in lots of ways. It is important that you have the support you need whilst you are having treatment and after your treatment has finished.

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Personalised Care in Cancer
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Holistic Needs Assessment

A holistic needs assessment is a chat that you and a member of your care team will have. This may be face to face or over the phone. You will be asked about how you are coping and if you have any worries. Your care team are used to talking to patients and want to help you to find the right support when you need it. You should have this chat within 31 days of being told you have cancer and again when you have finished your treatment.

Treatment summary

A treatment summary is sent to you and your GP when you finish a treatment. A treatment could be chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery. It is a letter that will explain the treatment you have had. It details side effects, things to speak to your care team about and advice about taking care of yourself.

Please keep a copy and take it with you when you go to hospital. You may be asked to a cancer care review at your GP practice, please take your treatment summaries with you.

Follow up

When your treatment ends you will have the follow up care which is best for you. The care you are offered will be decided by you and your team. This could be care that is led by a nurse or doctor, we call this professional led care. Or it could be where you are helped to manage your own care, we call this supported-self management.

You will have access to your care team whilst you are on your follow up pathway and should contact them with anything that worries you about your cancer or treatment.

If you would like to watch our short video about personalised cancer support in Lincolnshire, you can find it by searching online for Lincolnshire Living with & Beyond Cancer Personalisation Film (

If you are having your cancer treatment outside of Lincolnshire, you can find more information about the support available to you by visiting the Cancer Support Lincolnshire website at

This leaflet has been created by United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals (ULTH) and the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (LICB) in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support and the Lincolnshire Cancer Co-production Group. The group is hosted by the Lincolnshire Charity Every-One and brings people with lived experience of cancer together to work with health care professionals and services for the benefit of others. If you interested in joining or finding out more about co-production in Lincolnshire, please visit the every-one website at or call 01522 811582.