What are urodynamic studies?
Urodynamic studies is a test that measures the pressures and function of your bladder and urethra (water pipe).
Who requires urodynamic studies?
Women who have:
- Frequency/urgency
- Leakage
- Gynaecological problems
- Incontinence following surgery
Men who have:
- Frequency/urgency
- Prostatic/obstructive symptoms
- Incontinence following surgery
What are the benefits of urodynamic studies?
- Results aid diagnosis
- Useful in the formulation of treatment plan
What preparation is required?
- You will receive a frequency/voiding chart to fill in for three days a week before your appointment.
- If you have symptoms of a urinary infection or have been diagnosed with a urinary infection please contact the department, as the test may have to be rescheduled.
- If you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, please inform the department as soon as possible.
- You should take your usual medication, unless otherwise advised.
- You will be asked on the day of the test whether you consent to the procedure being carried out.
- Please come to the department with a comfortably full bladder. If this is not possible, please bring a urine sample unless you have a catheter in place.
What happens during urodynamic studies?
A flow study will be carried out first, which will require you to pass urine into a commode. This will enable us to check your urine for infection and measure your existing urine flow rate.
A catheter (fine tube) will be inserted into the bladder to allow your bladder to be filled and to record bladder pressure.
A catheter will also be placed into your rectum (back passage) to record pressure outside your bladder.
The catheters are then attached to the monitoring computer and you will be asked to sit on a commode for ladies or stand at a urinal for gentlemen.
The bladder is then gently filled with a saline solution and during this you will be asked a series of questions about bladder sensation, asked to cough or strain, during which time the computer analyses what is happening to your bladder.
You will be asked to pass urine at the end of the test and the catheters will then be removed. Finally a scan of your bladder will be performed to see if any urine has been retained.
How long will the test take?
Please allow 50 minutes for the appointment; the actual procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
What are the risks associated with urodynamic studies?
There is a 3% risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI) following the insertion of the catheters used for the procedure. You are advised to increase your fluid intake for the next 24 hours after the procedure. However, if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- Increased frequency/urgency
- Cloudy/smelly urine
- Pain, burning or stinging when passing urine
- Blood in urine for more than a few days
- Difficulty or inability to pass urine
Contact your GP who will decide on an appropriate treatment.
When do I find out the results?
We may be able to discuss with you on the day our findings, but you will receive an appointment through the post to discuss your results further with a doctor in the outpatients department.
Is there an alternative test?
There are no other investigations that provide the same information as urodynamic studies.
If you need any further information or advice surrounding this leaflet please contact:
(Urology/Continence Nurse)
Lincoln County Hospital: 01522 573768
(Gynaecology Staff Nurse)
Lincoln County Hospital: 01522 573118