Information whilst attending hospital for assessment in the virtual fracture clinic

Our face-to-face fracture clinics have been redesigned to offer you a safe and effective process for assessing your injury which may mean that you do not need to attend the hospital.

Information for patients

Our face-to-face fracture clinics have been redesigned to offer you a safe and effective process for assessing your injury which may mean that you do not need to attend the hospital. Attending a traditional fracture clinic can be unnecessary in many cases and often difficult due to the pain and immobility you may experience. The clinical team you have seen today in the emergency department feel your fracture should be reviewed by a specialist. This will take place in our ‘virtual fracture clinic’.

The virtual fracture clinic

Your x-ray(s) and initial assessment will be reviewed by the orthopaedic team within 48 hours of your visit to the emergency department.

Following assessment, if the orthopaedic specialist feels you need to be seen by them or a member of their team you will receive an appointment in the post. If the orthopaedic specialist feels you do not need to be seen, you will be contacted by a member of the clinical team by telephone to advise you of this.  Please be aware the call may come up as an unknown or private number.

Please ensure the hospital has your correct contact details before leaving the emergency department.

If you are not available a voicemail will be left where possible. Following the call both you and your GP will receive a letter outlining the assessment and discharge outcome.

Please note: you do not need to attend the hospital for the virtual assessment.

In some circumstances, if a specialist feels that you do need to be seen this could be done by video conferencing or telephone or you may need to be seen face to face – this will be outlined in the letter you receive.

Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact the virtual fracture clinic on:

Grantham 01476 464503

Trauma & Orthopaedics Department