It explains your test and contains important information
A doctor has requested that a Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist perform some special tests to check how well the nerves and muscles in your arms and/or legs are working. The time taken to perform the test varies and may take around 30 minutes. Please do allow yourself at least this amount of time for your appointment.
What does the test involve?
The test involves placing some special rings and pads on your fingers, arms or legs to stimulate the nerves and to record the responses. It will cause a tapping/tingling feeling which may be a bit uncomfortable. For some patients, the Consultant may require additional diagnostic information about the muscle(s) in which case he/she will need to use a very fine needle (this is usually tolerated very easily). Anything you may find too uncomfortable will not be continued.
Preparation – what you need to do
- If you have a PACEMAKER or DEFIBRILLATOR (ICD) fitted and/or are taking ANTICOAGULANTS (blood thinners) please contact the department on 01522 572379 or 01205 445447 on receipt of this letter so that a special note can be made of their details – FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN US BEING UNABLE TO DO ANY OF THE TESTS.
- Please wear clothes that will allow easy access to your arms/legs e.g. loose fitting clothes. If this is not possible you may have to change into a hospital gown.
- Please bring a list of your current medication.
- Please can you remove jewellery if that can be done without breaking it. Rings can be left on. Please DO NOT consume alcohol prior to the clinic.
- Creams and ointments make the skin greasy and difficult to attach the pads. Please do not apply moisturiser, cream or oily bath lotion to the skin the day prior and the day of the appointment.
- Please try and keep your hands and feet warm prior to the test, e.g. wear gloves and socks if possible.
- Due to the duration of the appointment and lack of child-care facilities in our department, we request you do not bring any other child with you.
After the test
At the end of the test you will be free to leave. The test results need to be analysed. A report will be sent to the doctor/consultant who referred you to us to have the test done.
Your appointment
Please make a special note of the appointment date particularly if the appointment is some weeks away. Please let us know if you are unable to attend. We can reschedule your test for a different date/time and give the present slot to another patient. This will help reduce our waiting lists and operating costs.
Further information
If you have any questions or worries please feel free to contact us in advance of your visit on 01522 572379/01205 445447.
If you arrive late for your appointment it may not be possible to see you on this occasion.
Please see the attached map for location of department.
Clinical Neurophysiology
Telephone: 01522 572379/01205 445447