Publication scheme
Our publication Scheme contains commonly requested information, such as policies, performance reports and more. In order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 public sector organisations such as ours have to routinely publish information whenever possible.
The Information Commissioner, who is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, has drawn up what is called a Model Publication Scheme for all public sector organisations which we have decided to adopt and formally commit to.
The commissioner has also published a Definition Document for NHS Organisations which sets out in some detail what his minimum expectations are as far as we are concerned.
Most of the information we make routinely available can be accessed through our website by using the search facility. Such information is continually updated. If you cannot find information through the search engine and we have indicated in the definition document that the information is routinely available this may be because the information cannot be loaded onto our website.
In such circumstances please contact our Corporate Services Manager and ask for the information to be provided to you.
As an open and transparent organisation we are committed to routinely publishing as much information as possible; however if you want information which is not on our website you may ask us for it in accordance with further provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you wish to make a request for information about the trust under the Freedom of Information Act or want any further information about the provision of information, all queries should be directed to:
Trust Secretary – Jayne Warner
Trust Headquarters
Lincoln County Hospital
Greetwell Road
Email: [email protected]
or see the links below.
Who we are and what we do
- General information about United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust and the trust’s role within the local healthcare system.
- Contact details for the trust can be found here – referral and contact information for each service is displayed on the specific service page
- For locations of our services, please visit the individual service pages
- The structure of the NHS
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust provides acute hospital services at locations throughout the county of Lincolnshire. We are part of a Lincolnshire Community and Hospitals NHS Group along with Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust who provide out of hospital care, and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the mental health provider for Lincolnshire. The majority of our services are commissioned by Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and we work closely with partners from the Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Police and voluntary/charity sector organisations. - Information about the NHS
- A list of all NHS trusts
- Corporate governance information
- Our Trust Board
- Workforce diversity information
- UK Corporate Governance Code
- The NHS constitution can be found here
- Claims resolution is through NHS Resolution
- Gender pay gap information
Declaration of gifts and hospitality
You will find here:
- Board of Directors declaration of interests register
- Full gifts and hospitalities register is available on request from Jayne Warner, Trust Secretary
What we spend and how we spend it
- Annual reports and plans – United Lincolnshire Hospitals (
- Publication of spend over £25,000 – United Lincolnshire Hospitals (
- Staff pay and grading structures and pay multiple information is found
- Trade Union Facility time
- Procurement and tendering procedures
What are our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual reports
- Quality Account
- Our Integrated Improvement Plan
- Care Quality Commission investigation report
How we make decisions
- Board papers -agenda, supporting papers and minutes
The papers for each Group Board meeting can be found by clicking on the relevant link. - Public consultations
- Communications Team
Services we offer
- A list of the services we deliver and their locations can be found here
- Patient information leaflets
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service
- Corporate communications
By law we have to deal with such requests within 20 working days. If you make a request and are not satisfied with the way in which we deal with it you may ask us to review any decision we make. If you wish us to undertake such a review you should write to:
Chief Executive
NHS Trust Trust Headquarters
Lincoln County Hospital
Greetwell Road Lincoln
Any review will normally be under the control and direction of a senior member of staff who had no involvement in the original decision or process. If you remain dissatisfied at the conclusion of any review you may complain to the Information Commissioner whose address is:
Information Commissioner
Water Lane
Fees and charges
The Freedom of Information Act and the associated fees regulations stipulate that we cannot levy a fee for information unless there is a statutory basis for doing so or the amount of time taken to locate the information exceeds 18 hours. However we are allowed to charge for disbursements related to the provision of information and any reformatting requested by the applicant provided we ensure that applicants are aware of any charges which may be made.
For further information follow this link