Anorectal Manometry

This leaflet is intended to answer some of the commonly asked questions about the anorectal manometry test.

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What is an anorectal manometry test?

This test will measure how well your anal sphincter (back passage muscle) is working.

Why am I having this test?

Your consultant has referred you to the department to assess the functioning of your back passage.

How long will the test take?

The test will take about 20 to 30 minutes but you may be with us for an hour.

The procedure will be explained to you by the physiologist and you will be able to ask any questions that you may have. There are normally no risks linked with this procedure. You will be asked to sign a consent form before the procedure is carried out.

What does the test involve?

On arrival in the department the physiologist will ask you questions about your bowel habits. You will be asked to remove the clothes from the lower part of your body. You will then be asked to lie on your left side on the bed.

A fine probe (tube) will be inserted into your anus (back passage). The tube will be attached to a lead and to a computer.

There will be a very slow flow of water running through the tube. You will be asked to squeeze and relax your back passage several times. This is to allow the recordings to be made of how your anal (back passage) muscles are working.

The physiologist will also insert a deflated balloon into the anus. This will be inflated with a small amount of air which will simulate (copy) a bowel motion. This will allow the physiologist to see how your anal muscles work.

Will I need to have any preparation?

No, but you may be more comfortable if you pass urine and have your bowels opened before attending if this is possible.

Will it be uncomfortable?

You should feel very little, if any, discomfort during this test. You may feel embarrassed but the physiologist will understand this and will help you to overcome your embarrassment.

Because the test uses a very slow flow of water to take measurements, it is possible that you may have some leakage of water from your back passage immediately after the procedure. Most people do not have any problems. If you have current symptoms of leakage or have a long way to travel after the test, you may feel safer if you have a pad or change of underwear with you.

What happens next?

The results of the test will be sent to the consultant who made the referral and he will then arrange to see you in clinic to discuss the results and any further treatment which may be required.

You will be free to go after this procedure and it should not stop you from carrying on your normal routine.

Contact information

If you have any questions or feedback with regard to your test you can contact the Pelvic Floor Nurse on 01205 446466.

Procedure to be carried out in:

Waiting Area 4 Outpatients Department Pilgrim Hospital


Pelvic Floor Nurse: 01205 446466