Coronary Angiogram-Angioplasty – Radial Approach Post Procedure Care

It is advisable to go straight home following discharge from hospital. Do not drive yourself home, please arrange for somebody to collect you.

Following your procedure

It is advisable to go straight home following discharge from hospital.  Do not drive yourself home, please arrange for somebody to collect you.

You should have a friend or relative at home with you during the first night of your procedure and access to a telephone.

Caring for your wrist over the following 48 hours

  • Do not use the affected hand for any heavy lifting or strenuous activity e.g. housework or gardening
  • No driving for 2 days post Angiogram (no stent)
  • No driving for 7 days post Angioplasty (stent insertion)
  • Remove the protective clear dressing after 24 hours
  • You can have a shower or bath 24 hours after your procedure providing your wrist is kept dry
  • Do not immerse your hands in warm/hot water for 48 hours.

Observations post procedure

It is important to observe the wrist after your procedure for the following:

Bruising: This is normal, however, if a painful lump or swelling occurs contact the nursing staff in the Cardiac Catheter Lab (see telephone number on page 3).

Bleeding: If you bleed profusely from the site, firmly press with a towel over the wrist and elevate your arm.  Dial 999 for an ambulance immediately.

If your arm or hand becomes painful, feels cooler or looks a different colour from the other arm or hand, please contact the nursing staff in the Cardiac Catheter Lab or visit your nearest A&E department urgently.

Information after your procedure

We advise you to drink plenty of fluid after your procedure, particularly water over the following few days.  Please refrain from drinking alcohol on the evening after your procedure.


If you take Metformin for diabetes please restart this 48 hours after the procedure, unless otherwise instructed.

If you take Warfarin or any other Anticoagulant that you were instructed to stop – you may restart this on the evening of the procedure – unless otherwise informed.  Take your normal dose.  If you take Warfarin you should arrange a blood test to check your INR within the next 5 days.

If you have stopped any other medications you will be given instructions when to restart these.  You may require a blood test and a form will be provided to enable this.  We will inform you when to restart your medication once we have received the blood results.

The Lincolnshire Heart Centre

Cardiac Catheter Lab

Lincoln County Hospital

Telephone:  01522 512512 ex 582648