The United Lincolnshire Hospitals Charity is launching its first ever Christmas campaign, Upon a Star. Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham and District Hospital and Pilgrim Hospital Boston will be lit up with festive stars to raise money for the charity.
The stars will be beacons of hope on the outside of the hospital buildings, shining bright for all to see and spreading joy to those working and visiting over the festive period. There will be a total of 50 stars across the hospitals.
The stars will be sponsored by local businesses who want to support their local NHS and reach the over 9,000 staff members who work on United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) sites.
All sponsors will be featured on the ULHT website and promoted via social media. So far, Visual Systems Ltd, JMT Service and Intersystems have all sponsored a star.
Ben Petts, Charity Manager at the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Charity said: “It is great to have these additions to our hospital sites, as with COVID restrictions still in place Christmas cannot be celebrated the way our staff would like.
“It is our hope that these stars will give our workforce and visitors that added bit of Christmas cheer when they arrive or leave.”
The public can also get involved, get festive and raise funds for the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Charity through lots of fun fundraising ideas such as holding a Christmas jumper day, a wrapping party or donating unwanted gifts. You can find more ideas and all the legalities in our fundraising pack. You can also donate to our Upon a Star campaign via Just Giving.
All donations and money raised will allow United Lincolnshire Hospitals Charity to continue to provide additional equipment, services and facilities for patients, visitors and staff across Lincolnshire.
For more information about fundraising or sponsoring a star please contact Gary Burr, Charity Fundraiser, via [email protected], or you can find out more on our website.