News and Events: February 2017

Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases.

Membership newsletter – February 2017

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A big thank you to all members who attended our forum in January 2017. We had a record attendance and there was lots of energy in the room. Your patient/public perspective is invaluable and very useful to our organisation. All the feedback collected during this meeting will be carefully considered to inform our plans for the future. We are in the process of organising the next forum which will be in May. Please look out for an invitation soon.

Hospital introduces one-stop prostate service

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Men with suspected prostate cancer are now being seen for diagnostic tests on the same day as their first hospital appointment at a new one-stop shop.

Hospitals innovating to reduce pressure ulcers

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Wards across Lincolnshire’s hospitals have been equipped with a simple new tool to help in the early assessment and identification of a serious painful condition in patients.