
Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases. Click on the link to contact our Communications Department.

When it’s urgent but not an emergency by Dr Dave Flynn, A&E Consultant

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We are encouraging those patients that have the technology to use NHS111 online.  By logging onto NHS111 online users will be asked the same questions as they would by a call handler.  If they need an ambulance one will be called and if they need to speak to a clinician it will be arranged as a call back. 

Additional nurses heading to Lincolnshire’s hospitals

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Lincolnshire’s hospitals have committed to investing an additional £2.6 million over the course of a year into expanding their nursing and midwifery workforce, to ensure wards remain safely staffed and to further improve the quality of care provided to patients.