Shortlisted entries in the Team of the Year- Clinical are:
MEAU, Lincoln
MEAU were nominated for their outstanding work ethic and undeniable strength working in such difficult conditions. MEAU is always busy, they are constantly admitting and discharging patients on a normal day. During COVID they went from a general admittance ward to a COVID positive ward and back again, yet the staff have all taken it in their stride. They have shown exceptional support to not only the patients, who sometimes have been extremely poorly, but their family and friends who are frustrated and frightened on the end of a telephone.
The team continually help and support each other, even in the most difficult times.
Intensive Care Unit, Lincoln
The ICU team at Lincoln were nominated for how they have coped with everything they have had thrown at them by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have provided a high-standard of patient care to COVID positive patients while at the same time continued to care for non-COVID critically ill patients. This team have dealt with the sickest patients while comprehending continually-evolving treatments, managing changes in location and equipment and dealing with staffing challenges on an unprecedented scale.
They have provided training to staff coming in to help from completely unrelated areas, while still caring and providing complex treatment plans to their patients. They have also supported pre-registration students throughout this time, ensuring that the students meet their learning outcomes in order to meet their programme requirements.
Waddington Ward, Lincoln
Waddington Ward was nominated for lots of work undertaken to ensure they deliver a gold standard of care to patients. Despite the pressures of the last year, they have managed to deliver staff development and training which has helped to strengthen the team. They have implemented improvement projects to reduce time spent on paperwork, and reduce the number of patients attending A&E. They have developed and improved the patient experience through creating information packs, having craft sessions and much more.
The team work collaboratively and overall have significantly improved clinical audits, recruitment and retention.
Ward 7B, Pilgrim
Ward 7B were described in their nomination as having strength, resilience, compassion and dedication to improving patient care and experience. Team 7B struggled to recruit staff and had several line management changes over a short period of time meaning quality of care was impacted. So the team came together to create an improvement plan to reduce incidents, increase staff knowledge and improve performance, in turn improving patient experience and timely treatment. With the support of a newly-appointed ward sister, an education programme and safety huddles were started. A year on and the ward is described as feeling very different and even achieving 100% in sepsis screening.
The improvements continue, but throughout COVID the team managed to pull two weddings together for palliative patients for which the families will be forever grateful.