Patients undergoing treatment will benefit from a thoughtful donation to a ward at Grantham and District hospital.
Reclining chairs and an information stand have been donated by the local Crohn’s and colitis support group to the day ward at Grantham for those patients receiving transfusions and treatment for the disease.
The area on the ward also has a dedicated stand providing helpful guides and information about their conditions as well as contact details for support groups and where to go for advice.
Rachel Ryder, interim matron for surgery said, “This is a great help to the ward as it means patients can receive their treatment closer to home and provide them with continuity of care. It also provides that little bit of extra comfort.”
Sharon Williams, a local colitis patient and member of the local support group said, “I started my treatment a year ago and thought that these would be a great addition to help free up the beds we were using and raise awareness of the condition.
Holly Robertshaw, acting sister said, “Thank you to the support group for arranging this. They will invaluable to our patients and provide that extra comfort to them whilst they are receiving their treatment.”