Staff charter – focussing on ‘safety’

We want ULHT to be a great place to work and for our patients to receive ‘excellence in rural healthcare’.

Previously, we took a look at how our core value of ‘patient-centred’ links into our new staff charter and this week we’ll focus on what ‘safety’ means to our Trust and the expectations of all of us and the organisation as a whole.

Posted on in Announcements

We want ULHT to be a great place to work and for our patients to receive ‘excellence in rural healthcare’.

Previously, we took a look at how our core value of ‘patient-centred’ links into our new staff charter and this week we’ll focus on what ‘safety’ means to our Trust and the expectations of all of us and the organisation as a whole.

With a key core value of ‘safety’, the charter asks staff to ‘raise concerns of risk, safety and quality of patient care as quickly as possible in accordance with Trust polices’.

We also expect staff to ‘keep themselves and their colleagues’ working environment safe, clean and tidy’. In return they can expect us to be ‘committed to learning and development, so that the Trust can improve what it does’ and staff ‘can develop as individuals’.

In addition, the personal responsibility framework (PRF) urges staff to ‘be aware of and know how to access Trust policies and procedures, be up-to-date with core learning and specific training, follow Trust infection control policies and be fully aware and compliant with fire safety procedures’.

Our commitment to staff is to ensure that leaders don’t ‘neglect to ensure their team has time allocated to complete their core learning or fail to ensure their area has up-to-date fire safety evacuation procedures and fire equipment’.

We know that delivering our charter is ambitious and will take time to fully embed, but it forms an integral part of our overall 2021 roadmap to a ‘different Lincolnshire’ and a ‘great ULHT’.

You can read the full PRF for safety along with the complete staff charter here>>

Paul Boocock, ULHT’s Director of Estates and Facilities said:  “Great service and great patient care means involving staff in decisions day-to-day, providing training and development, listening to feedback and letting people make decisions in the way that they work.

“The staff charter provides an easily understandable framework which really grounds the behaviours we expect all our staff to live.”

Next time we take a closer look at how our core value of ‘compassion’ links into the staff charter.