One-stop shop for lung CT scans in Lincolnshire’s hospitals

Patients with possible lung cancers are benefitting from a one-stop diagnostic service at Lincoln County Hospital.

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Patients with possible lung cancers are benefitting from a one-stop diagnostic service at Lincoln County Hospital.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust recently launched its new one-stop lung CT service, which means that patients are being seen for their initial lung CT scan more quickly.

A CT scan uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of internal organs, blood vessels and bones inside the body, and are used to diagnose various conditions.

Senior Business Manager at ULHT, Lisa Vickers, said this service benefits up to seven patients per week.

“This service is aimed mainly at patients who have suspected lung cancer. These patients should have a CT scan to diagnose the problem within two weeks of being referred by their GP.

“These patients used to visit hospital to see a consultant for a consultation, and then the consultant would request a CT scan.  Patients then waited for a scan appointment to be sent to them and then they returned to hospital on another day for their CT scan.

“We’ve now made this a one-stop service so that patients can see the consultant in a clinic and then go straight down to radiology and have their CT scan done in one appointment before they go home.”

This speedier service has reduced patient waits by at least one week, thus providing quicker diagnosis to the patient and improved patient experience. It also means treatment can begin more quickly if needed.