United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust will make sure it has got the right staff with the right skills for the future, by supporting its advanced clinical workforce of nurses, physiotherapists and radiologists, with the opportunity to complete a clinical Masters degree.
Health Education England (HEE) has funded an additional 20 Masters degrees as part of its strategy to ‘future proof’ the NHS workforce. This is in addition to a similar £250,0000 investment in the Trust’s advanced clinical practice workforce last year.
Consultant Nurse Alun Roebuck said: “We are proud of our staff and what they achieve on a day to day basis and are very grateful to HEE in their continued support to develop them.
“Your workforce is the heart of any organisation and this is certainly the case at ULHT. This funding gives us the opportunity to continue developing a blended team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and radiologists that is fit for the future, sustainable and will allow us to provide the highest quality of care for the population of Lincolnshire.”
By working closely with the University of Lincoln, the Trust is helping its staff to complete the Masters in advanced clinical practice by completing modules associated with their role. Many of ULHT’s advanced practitioners are involved in leading clinical practice at a national level and the vascular advanced clinical practitioners were shortlisted for a national innovation award this year.
Alun added: “By developing these roles it not only improves clinical care, but helps the Trust with recruitment and it helps us to retain people as well. It improves our staff satisfaction and their morale as they are able to develop their roles.”