Here is the latest update for the Learning Disability and Autism Forum. It tells you about the work of NHS England and NHS Improvement and ways you can get involved.
We write this update in plain English and we tell you about more accessible resources like the easy read newsletter and films.
Information about new rules about staying away from other people during Coronavirus
From 23 March 2020 there are 3 important new rules everyone must follow to stop Coronavirus spreading. This is sometimes called social distancing.
Easy read information about the rules to stay at home and away from other people. It also says when it is OK to leave your house.
Advice on how to stay at home (easy read)- help with planning your time.
Plain English information about social distancing (no pictures).
What to do if you or someone in your house seems to have Coronavirus
There will be some easy read information about what to do if someone in your house seems to have Coronavirus. We will tell you when it is published.
Shielding- information about staying safe if you are most likely to get very poorly from Coronavirus
Some people are most likely to get very poorly if they catch Coronavirus.
If you are one of these people, you will have got a letter in the post.
If you are most likely to get very poorly, you need to do extra things to try and make sure you don’t catch Coronavirus. This is called shielding.
Easy read information about shielding.
Plain English guidance about shielding (no pictures).
Easy read advice on washing your hands more often
Washing your hands well is good protection against Coronavirus. This is the Public Health England easy read poster about washing your hands.
It includes information on when you should wash your hands, and for how long.
We still also love the Purple All Stars handwashing video!
Looking after your feelings and your body
To stop Coronavirus spreading we all have to change how we spend our time and how we do things.
Change can affect our feelings. It can sometimes make us worried and anxious.
To stay well we must look after our feelings as well as our bodies.
Public Health England has made a guide to help with wellbeing-
Easy read guide to looking after your feelings and body
Plain English wellbeing guide (no pictures)
Guide for families and carers to support children and young people’s wellbeing
Keep in touch during the Coronavirus crisis
It’s important to keep in touch with your friends and family during the Coronavirus crisis.
Keep informed and keep in touch– Learning Disability England information about staying connected.
see if something is happening is your area on the Keep Safe online events page
You can read this easy read guide to downloading and using WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family.
You can also watch some accessible videos from People in Action about using a programme called Zoom to meet up with people online.
- This is the guide to using Zoom on your computer
- This is the guide to using Zoom on your phone.
This is an easy read guide to using Microsoft Teams.
Helping health staff to make reasonable adjustments
We are working to help health staff make reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability and autistic people during Coronavirus.
This is help make sure everyone gets the care that is right for them.
- This is the full guide to supporting health care staff to make reasonable adjustments
- This is an easy read version of the guide supporting health care staff to make reasonable adjustments.
Resources by and for autistic people
Coronavirus is difficult to cope with and can be extra stressful for autistic people.
These are some resources by autistic people that might help.
Ann Memmott is an autistic academic who has written a blog about Coronavirus, hospital and being autistic.
Autistictic has made a blogpost about coping with Coronavirus as an autistic person.
Autistic YouTuber Purple Ella’s latest video is also on coping with Coronavirus when you are autistic.
More information
Find out more about the Learning Disability and Autism Forum
Watch this short film about why we want you involved in our work.
Contact us
If you need this email update in an alternative format or have any questions please contact [email protected].
If you do not want to receive these emails, or think you have been sent this email by mistake, please let us know and we will take you off our contacts list.
If you have any feedback about these emails, please tell us what you think.
The Engagement team
Twitter – @NHSability
Facebook group – NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Engagement
Email – [email protected]
NHS England
0113 824 9686
7E56 Quarry House
Leeds, LS2 7UE