Have you heard the exciting news? It has been announced that a new medical school is to be established in a collaboration between the University of Lincoln and the University of Nottingham to offer first-class medical education in Lincolnshire.
The University of Nottingham Lincoln Medical School will go ahead after a successful joint bid for more funding to increase medical school places. When it is at full capacity in a few years’ time, the new school will deliver medical training to around 400 undergraduate students in Lincoln.
From September 2019, students will be able to study for a University of Nottingham BMBS medical degree at the University of Lincoln site on the Brayford Pool. Clinical placements will take place at hospitals, GP surgeries and other healthcare units in the county in ULHT and the Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
The announcement follows a successful bid for funding to the Higher Education Funding Council England and Health Education England last year in which the government invited bids from new or existing medical schools for allocation of an extra 1,000 new undergraduate medical education places in England.
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Science at the University of Lincoln, Professor Libby John, said: “The University of Lincoln has been working for some time with our local health community to develop a medical school for Lincolnshire. We are delighted we can announce that, with our partners the University of Nottingham, we are achieving that ambition.”
ULHT Chief Executive Jan Sobieraj added: “We are delighted a Lincolnshire medical school has been announced. This is fantastic news for the University, the NHS and our patients. I’d like to say well done to the universities for all their hard work in making this happen. Lincolnshire has a severe shortage of doctors in a range of specialities, and ULHT is greatly affected by this. We believe a local medical school will help us in the longer-term with recruiting doctors and keeping them in county, as people tend to stay in the areas where they train.”