Listening to hear patient voices at county NHS event

The little things which can often make the biggest differences when it comes to patient care, were celebrated at an inaugural NHS event earlier this month.

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Over 140 healthcare professionals, patients and carers gathered together to hear from a range of nationally renowned guest speakers, at the county’s first ever patient experience conference.

Ensuring that healthcare workers really listen to their patients, so their voices, opinions and often expertise is always heard, was the theme of the event, which took place at Lincoln City football ground.

Organised by the patient experience team at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) along with staff from the academic team for health and social care at Lincoln’s Bishop Grosseteste University, the conference featured talks from NHS England leaders in patient and staff experience, alongside a keynote speech from Dr Terri Porrett, co-founder of the national Academy of FAB NHS Stuff.

One of the day’s highlights was undoubtedly an emotional presentation from Chris Pointon, husband of the late Dr Kate Granger, whose NHS experiences while undergoing treatment for cancer ignited their global #hellomynameis campaign.

Chris said that he was extremely proud to address the conference and help celebrate the trailblazing work going on across Lincolnshire to make sure patient voices are always heard.

“When Kate and I came up with the idea for the hello my name is campaign, we never imagined it would become such a global phenomenon,” said Chris.

“It’s clear that ULHT staff recognise the importance of listening to their patients and understand that sometimes, it’s the smallest of things that can make the most impact.

“There’s a real passion to improve patient experience in Lincolnshire and I’m very proud to have been invited to share our story.”

Throughout the day, key moments were recorded in a graphic presentation to allow delegates to reflect on the learning for the future.

Jennie Negus, Deputy Chief Nurse at ULHT said: ‘I am absolutely overwhelmed at how successful the day was – we had tears but we also had smiles and laughter and the energy and engagement in the room was tangible.

“I know our staff took so much away from the day including ideas, inspiration and enthusiasm to take the learning back to their workplace.”

FAB ambassador and ULHT’s Patient Experience Manager Sharon Kidd said, on behalf of Lincolnshire’s other FAB ambassador’s Jennie Negus, Tracey Pemberton, Sam McCarthy-Phull and Donna Phillips:  “The conference was a great platform to introduce our staff to the Academy of FAB NHS Stuff and showcase the amazing work that is being shared by NHS staff across the country.”

You can learn about the Academy of FAB NHS Stuff including the upcoming FAB Change Week (13 to 17 November) by visiting the website here –