Every member of staff working within ULHT is expected to keep up to date on their core learning. This is because the elements included are designed to keep you, your team and your patients safe.
Over the past few years, many of our staff have really recognised the importance of core learning in enabling them to do their job well, and our compliance has improved dramatically. Overall compliance on core learning for September 2017 sits at 89.6% – a huge increase from July 2014 when it sat at just 49%.
Our core learning packages have been designed to give all staff the knowledge and skills they need. Packages in the programme include fire safety, infection control, equality, diversity and human rights, information governance, safeguarding health and safety, risk awareness, fraud awareness, resuscitation and major incidents.
A number of areas across the Trust are great examples of how core learning compliance can be achieved across the Board, by reporting 100% compliance with all core training modules.
These are:
- Oral surgery at Lincoln
- Orthopaedic clinic at Lincoln
- The financial management department
- Pilgrim CPU
- Ward M1 at Pilgrim
- Communications and engagement team
However, there is more work to do to ensure compliance rates continue to rise across the board, and to assist in this we’ll be reviewing the content of core learning to ensure it is fit for purpose and user-friendly. We need to be confident that the core learning modules ensure staff know what to do in certain circumstances and in some cases this changes day-to-day practice which may have been unsafe or out of date.
Chief Executive Jan Sobieraj said: “We have made huge strides in improving our core learning rates in recent years, and this is one of those things that can directly impact upon the quality of care provided to our patients.
“Well done to those teams who can demonstrate 100% compliance in their core learning. It shows a genuine dedication to doing the right for our patients. I’d like to remind all areas that these modules are designed for a good reason so it’s important to replicate their success.”