Come along to our Trust annual general meeting

Hospital patients, relatives stakeholders and members of the public are being invited to an annual general meeting to find out about developments United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has made over the past year and plans for the year ahead.

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Come along to our Trust annual general meeting. Hospital patients, relatives stakeholders and members of the public are being invited to the annual general meeting to find out about developments United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has made over the past year and plans for the year ahead.

The Trust annual general meeting will be held on Monday 26 September at the Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, and will provide the chance to meet with staff and view presentations about a range of topics.

Chief Executive Jan Sobieraj and Chair of the Board Dean Fathers will be joined by other members of the executive board to highlight progress and achievements of the Trust over the past year. Members of the public will be invited to have their say on what the Trust does well and where things can be improved further.

Dean Fathers Chair of the Board said: “We are very proud of the services we offer across Lincolnshire and it’s a pleasure to be able to share our updates and reflections with the community. We would also like to take the opportunity to talk about our future plans and hear from those who use our services about their own experiences.”

The afternoon will also be a quality showcase – where staff will be demonstrating projects and initiatives that have led to improvements in the quality of care delivered at Lincolnshire’s hospitals.

There will also be information available about working at the Trust and our annual staff awards, as well as information about staff engagement and charitable funds.

The annual general meeting will take place on Monday 26 September in the Eliot Room at Bishop Grosseteste University from 3pm to 5pm.