Adopt a garden at Grantham hospital

Green-fingered businesses and volunteer groups are being the given the opportunity to adopt a garden space at Grantham hospital.

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Green-fingered businesses and volunteer groups are being the given the opportunity to adopt a garden space at Grantham hospital.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust are inviting expressions of interest in adopting garden areas or verges as a way of creating relaxing, improved environments for both patients and staff.

Any groups who are keen to explore this exciting opportunity to improve the environment at their local hospital should contact Sharon Hurrell (details below) and also attend a public meeting to discuss what is available and what would suit their needs. This will be taking place on Friday 9 February at 3pm in the restaurant, Grantham hospital.

Successful applicants will be expected to design, cultivate and maintain their assigned plot for the benefit of patients and staff. It is hoped that the successful scheme at Grantham will mean similar projects can take place at Lincoln County hospital and Pilgrim hospital, Boston.

Paul Boocock, Director of Estates and Facilities said, “We have been doing a lot of work around utilisation of the space and grounds we have and really believe that this is a great way to make better use of the garden areas. Quality patient care is our top priority and it is really exciting to be able to give our patients and staff improved outdoor areas they can use during their shifts or whilst they are receiving treatment.”

If you are a local business or volunteer group and are interested in adopting a garden at Grantham hospital, please contact Sharon Hurrell:

Sharon Hurrell

Project Manager, Estates and Facilities

Grantham and District Hospital

101 Manthorpe Road


NG31 8DG

Or email [email protected]