We want your views on the reputation of ULHT hospitals

The people of Lincolnshire are being asked to share their views about the county’s hospitals, to help make them better.

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The people of Lincolnshire are being asked to share their views about the county’s hospitals, to help make them better.

All Lincolnshire residents are invited to have their say on the reputation of United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust using a survey.

We want to find out what the public perception of the Trust is and how people form views about ULHT hospitals, with the aim of helping to turn that reputation around.

ULHT Chief Executive Jan Sobieraj said: “Since being placed in special measures in 2013, the Trust has improved the quality of our services and our reputation is improving as a result. However, it needs to be better if we are to encourage more people to use our hospitals for planned procedures.

“Our reputation affects our ability to provide a full range of services, our income and our ability to recruit to best staff. When our reputation is poor, patients often choose to be treated at other hospitals and staff prefer to work elsewhere.

“Before we can build on our reputation, we want to find out what our public think, how trustworthy and credible we are, and if we spend money wisely or provide quality care.”

Please share your views, you don’t have to be a patient just have a view. It’s anonymous and your views are important in helping improve local hospitals and services. Please share with your friends and family too.

To take the survey go to: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LJMHGJP

The survey is open until Monday 6 June 2016.