Our board
We are governed by a board of executive and non-executive directors who oversee the day-to-day running of the organisation, exercising its power through various sub-committees. These committees include:
- Audit committee
- Quality governance assurance committee
- Finance, performance and investment assurance committee
- Service transformation assurance committee
- Workforce and organisational development assurance committee
- Assurance committee
- Clinical executive committee
- Board membership comprises the chairman and chief executive, together with a mix of other executive and non-executive directors
The chief executive and executive directors are full time employees of the Trust, appointed through open competition procedures. Their selection process includes an interview panel involving the chairman, non-executive directors and independent advice.
The non-executive directors are independent people, drawn from the local community and are appointed by NHS Improvement on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health.
The Trust board meets in public every month to approve new polices, receive reports on performance and make decisions about how the Trust is run. The board then delegates actions to each of the sub committees.
Our commissioners
As a provider of health services we are accountable to our commissioners who are responsible for designing, developing and buying local health services for local people.
Lincolnshire ICB is responsible for commissioning, or buying, the majority of healthcare services for the population of Lincolnshire. NHS England Leicestershire and Lincolnshire Area Team also commission specialist services such as vascular services from ULHT.