Accident, illness, planned surgery and ageing can turn everyday activities into challenges which reduce independence an undermine our sense of identity. Occupational therapists recognise that being able to perform these daily activities is crucial to health and wellbeing and aim therapy towards empowering people to be active participants in their own lives. To the profession, occupation means all the activities and roles a person undertakes, enjoys and values.
The goals of occupational therapy intervention are to:
• promote performance of desired occupations
• prevent problems in performance of occupations
• resolve identified problems in performing occupations
Occupational therapy intervention can target:
• the person (remediation, restoration or establishment of skills e.g. building the stamina to self-care following illness)
• the environment ( compensatory or adaptive approach: e.g. using assistive equipment)
• finding the best fit between the person, their environment and the desired occupation (e.g. becoming able to get dressed following a stroke, which may include adapting clothing and also learning new methods which support the person’s strengths, whilst minimising their restrictions)
The service
The Trust’s occupational therapy services take referrals from consultants and GP’s and cover inpatients, outpatients and some community patients. We aim to provide a responsive, person-centred approach, working in close collaboration with the relevant professionals involved in your care.
Information leaflets
Falls prevention in hospital: a guide for patients, their families and carers
Accessibility guidance
For disabled access information about the occupational therapy department at Lincoln County Hospital, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
For disabled access information about the occupational therapy department at Grantham and District Hospital, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
For disabled access information about the rehabilitation medicine department at Grantham and District Hospital, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
For disabled access information about the rehabilitation department at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.