Safer Pregnancy Leaflets by MAMA Academy Charity in:
Info on baby movements and when to call the midwife
‘Feeling your baby move is a sign they are well’ leaflets by Tommy’s Charity in:
Find the leaflet in other languages here.
The Public Health England ‘Screening tests for you and your baby’ leaflet is available in a number of community languages here.
10 steps to a healthy pregnancy (Baby Centre, date unknown), in Arabic, Chinese, English, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish and Urdu can be found here.
Labour Pains: Information about pain relief for labour and when having a caesarian section in up to 29 languages can be found here.
Action on Pre-Eclampsia: Information about pre-eclampsia is available on this charity’s website in 25 different languages.
UNICEF: Breastfeeding, formula feeding and sterilizing feeding equipment information is available in 18 languages here.
The Lullaby Trust: Information on safer sleeping for babies is available in different languages and easy read here.
NHS – Health information in other Languages can be found here.
There are Antenatal Education videos with subtitles available and in BSL at the NHS Homerton University Hospital website.
COVID-19 information:
Doctors of the World provide general information on COVID-19 in many different languages.
The Deaf Health Charity has information on COVID-19 in British Sign Language.
Public Health England resources:
Information about the screening tests offered during and after pregnancy in various languages.