Ashby Ward
This is a neuro-rehabilitation ward that deals with brain injuries and illnesses. It is located on level 2 of the hospital.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Information Leaflet
Bardney Ward
This is a ward specifically for women in labour and is also the out of hours antenatal assessment centre. It is located in the maternity building on level 5.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Branston Ward
This is a gynaecology ward. It is temporarily located on level three of the maternity building.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Breast Unit
This is a breast assessment unit. It is located in a dedicated building behind the maternity unit.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Burton Ward
This is an elderly complex needs ward with 8 beds for renal patients. It is located on the lower level 1 of the main hospital building along the corridor from EAU.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Cardiac Short Stay
The Cardiac Short Stay unit at Lincoln County Hospital is located on the lower level next to Johnson Ward, opposite Ingham ward. It can be accessed by the entrance near to the endoscopy unit
Carlton/Coleby Ward
This is a care of the elderly ward. It is located on the lower level 1 of the main hospital building.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Clayton Ward
This is a ward that deals with general medicine for the care of the elderly. It is located on the entrance floor of the main hospital past the shop then turn left at the chapel and on the right hand side.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
COVID Medicine Delivery Unit (CMDU)
Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who have certain underlying health conditions that mean they are at an increased risk of being admitted to hospital, can have treatment as an outpatient at this unit. It is located at the back of the hospital, near to the Physiotherapy Department.
Telephone numbers are currently unavailable for this ward.
Digby Ward
This is an acute general surgery ward. It is located on the entrance floor of the main hospital building past the shop next to the SEAU.
Discharge Lounge
Located on level 1, opposite entrance 11.
Dixon Ward
This is a gastroenterology and general medicine ward. It is located on the lower level 1 of the main hospital building, down the main corridor and next to Burton Ward.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Emergency Department (A&E)
Open 24/7 every day of the year providing emergency care.
No visiting hours are available at this time.
Telephone numbers are currently unavailable for this ward.
Greetwell Ward
This is general surgery ward used by various patients but specialising in ear, nose and throat and Maxillofacial surgery. It is located on the entrance level of the main hospital building past the shop and to the left at the end of the corridor.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Hatton Ward
This is a general surgical ward. It is located on the entrance floor of the main hospital building next to the Waddington Unit.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Hemswell Gynaecology Clinic
This is a gynaecology ward. It is located on the fourth floor of the maternity building.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
No visiting hours are available at this time.
Telephone numbers are currently unavailable for this ward.
Ingham Ward
This is a ward that deals with cancer patients and is where they receive chemotherapy treatment. It is located on the lower level 1 of the main hospital.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Intensive Care Unit
The unit cares for elective and emergency patients who require intensive or high dependency care regardless of illness or injury. It is located on the entrance level of the main hospital building next to the shop.
Visiting is by exception – please contact your ward to find out about when you can visit.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Main reception number: 01522 458629
Male side of ICU- 01522 573746
No visiting hours are available at this time.
Johnson Ward
Johnson ward and the coronary care unit is situated on the lower level opposite Ingham ward and can be accessed by the entrance near to the endoscopy unit.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Lancaster Ward
This is a ward that deals with general medicine for the care of the elderly. It is located on the entrance floor of the hospital following the corridor round and signs to maternity. It can be found on the left of the corridor opposite to the entrance for Rainforest Ward.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Langton Ward
Langton Ward is situated in the main building at Lincoln County Hospital.
The department undertakes pre-operative assessment for head and neck, orthopaedics, gynaecology, general surgery, urology, community dental, ophthalmology and vascular patients.
For further information on pre-operative assessments please follow this link.
No visiting hours are available at this time.
Medical day unit
The unit performs a variety of day treatments including blood transfusions, drug infusions and biopsies. It is located on the third floor of the hospital next to county restaurant.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Medical Emergency Assessment Unit (MEAU)
This is an acute medical short stay unit for adults. It is located on the lower level 1 of the main hospital building near Burton Ward.
Navenby Ward
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Neonatal intensive care unit
The neonatal intensive care unit is located in the maternity building on level 6. Open visiting operates on this ward for parents. Only parents and two visitors at any given time, no children apart from siblings.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Contact the ward for details.
Nettleham Ward
This is the ante-natal and post natal ward dealing specifically with mothers and their newborn babies. There is a transitional care area for those babies who are born early or need more specialised care. The ward is located on the first floor of the maternity unit. An ante-natal assessment area is located on the second floor.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Find out more on the Maternity section of our website.
Neustadt/Welton Ward
This is a unit that deals with Medical Emergency Assessments for adults. It is located on the entrance floor of the main hospital building next to SEAU.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Oncology Assessment Unit
This is a six-seated area, which is open Monday-Friday from 8am to 6pm. The unit provides an accessible service for cancer patients having systematic anti-cancer therapy. It also offers telephone advice, signposts services and offers face-to-face assessment if required. It is based on the Waddington Unit at Lincoln County Hospital which is located on the first floor of the main hospital building, past the shop and left at the chapel. It is located at the end of the corridor on the left.
Rainforest Ward
This is a paediatric ward dealing with the care of children. It is located on the entrance floor of the hospital following the corridor round and signs to Maternity. It can be found on the left of the corridor opposite the entrance for Lancaster Ward.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Safari Ward
This is a children’s day ward dealing with children aged from birth to 16 years old. The ward cares for children undergoing various daycase surgery and is also a children’s emergency assessment unit. It is located on the entrance floor of the hospital following the corridor round and signs to Maternity.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Same Day Emergency Unit (SDU)
This ward, located close to the A&E Department, provides care and treatment for patients that are expected to be discharged on the same day as admission: ‘Same day discharge’.
Scampton ward
This ward cares for elderly patients and their medical needs. It is located next to Shuttleworth ward on the entrance floor of the main hospital building past the shop turn right and at the end of the corridor.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Shuttleworth Ward
This is a ward dealing with orthopaedic traumas. It is located on the entrance floor of the main hospital building past the shop turn right and at the end of the corridor.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Specialist Respiratory Unit
This is a Specialist Respiratory Unit that looks after respiratory patients and is located on the lower level 1 floor of the main hospital building. It is linked via a corridor to Witham Ward.
Stroke Unit
This is a unit that deals specifically with stroke patients. It is located on the lower level 1 floor of the main hospital building past the shop turn left and take the lift down.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Surgical Admissions Lounge
This is a day surgery unit admitting elective surgical patients and caring for those patients undergoing all types of day surgery, except gynaecology. It is located on the entrance floor level of the main hospital building past the shop and to the end of the corridor. This area is sometimes used for other patients at busy times.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Surgical Day Unit
Telephone numbers are currently unavailable for this ward.
Surgical Emergency Admissions Unit (SEAU)
This is a general surgical admissions ward. It is located in the entrance floor of the main hospital building opposite the chapel.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Waddington Unit
Waddington Unit is a haematology and oncology unit caring for patients receiving chemotherapy /radiotherapy and End of Life care. We admit elective and emergency admissions. The unit is located on level two of the main hospital building, past the shop and left at the chapel. It is located at the end of the corridor on the left. Staff ask that visitors do not bring flowers onto the ward because of the immunocompromised patients that we look after.
For disabled access information about the ward please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Witham Ward
This is a respiratory ward that is located on the lower level 1 floor of the main hospital building.