
These are a set of aims for the best practice and conduct of staff within Lincolnshire Clinical Research Facility. Enclosed in this document is also the LCRF’s research vision, in line with the Trusts charter about the five key things we can do as staff to be patient centred and be the best we can be.

Lincolnshire Clinical Research Facility Team Objectives

  1. Work in the ULH Trust by promoting, supporting and delivering high quality clinical trials/studies enabling local patients to have access to the latest treatment options (The Handbook to the NHS Constitution 2009).
  1. Promote Research and Innovation within the Trust, assisting Clinical Business Units to develop specialist clinical services and implement clinical research findings, thereby contributing to the improvement of patient care.
  1. Ensure ULHT patient recruitment targets, set up in conjunction with other networks/organisations, are met.
  1. Develop and strengthen external collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders to strengthen our Clinical Research Infrastructure.
  1. Develop robust training and education and Quality Assurance programs, thereby attracting and retaining a high quality, motivated Research Team and delivering high quality clinical trials/studies.
  1. Develop a financial strategy to generate patient benefits and cost savings to the NHS particularly to the ULH Trust.
  1. Identify suitable accommodation across the Trust for LCRF & R&D Admin staff and trials patients, with sufficient space, for the fast growing LCRF team. In addition, to set up a plan for setting up dedicated space for LCRF within supporting departments (pharmacy and chemotherapy) for clinical trials.
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