Diabetic eye screening programme

Diabetic eye screening is important as it helps to prevent sight loss. As someone with diabetes, your eyes are at risk of damage from diabetic retinopathy.

Why should I be screened?

Diabetic eye screening is important as it helps to prevent sight loss. As someone with diabetes, your eyes are at risk of damage from diabetic retinopathy. Screening can detect the condition early before you notice any changes to your vision.

More important information about why you should attend is included in the below videos:

Who is invited for diabetic retinopathy screening?

All people aged 12 and over with diabetes (type 1 and 2) are routinely offered eye-screening appointments. The Lincolnshire Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) invite a population of 60,600 for annual screening. All of the screening and grading team are accredited with the relevant NDESP qualifications or working towards this qualification.

How do I book a test

Once you have been referred for diabetic eye screening by your GP, we will forward you an appointment to take place within 89 days.

If you have had a previous appointment you will automatically be re-invited at an interval depending on your last results. If you believe that your appointment is overdue and you have not received an appointment invite letter, please contact the administration team on 01205 445383.