Trust Board papers – November 2016
Meeting of the Trust Board
Tuesday 1 November 2016 to be held at 9.15am in Committee Room 1, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston
1. Introduction, welcome, Chair’s opening remarks and health and safety
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2016 for accuracy
5. Matters arising from the previous meeting/Action Log
6. Chief Executive’s Update and Environmental Scan
8. Patient Experience
8.1 Patient Experience Report
8.2 Volunteers Strategy
8.2a Front cover
8.3 Quality Report
9. Strategy
9.1 Lincolnshire Health and Care/ Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update
9.1a Lincolnshire’s Vision for Health and Care
9.1b Vision for the Lincolnshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan
10. Governance
10.1 Performance
1) Integrated Performance Report
2) Finance report
3) Human Resources
10.2 Nursing Workforce Assurance Report
10.3 Strengthening Clinical Leadership
10.3a Front cover
10.3b Management governance overview
10.4 Quality Governance Committee Assurance Report
10.5 Finance, Service Improvement and Delivery Committee Assurance Report
10.6 Workforce and OD Committee Assurance Report
10.7 Audit Committee Assurance report
10.8 Integrated Strategic Risk Register/ BAF including risks for Board consideration and inclusion on Risk Register
10.8a Appendix
10.9 Trust Innovation
10.9a Front cover
11. For Approval
11.1 Military Covenant
11.1a Equality analysis initial assessment form
11.1b Armed Forces Covenant draft
11.2 Items for Trust Board meeting 6 December 2016
12. Any Other Notified Items of Urgent Business
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 December 2016 in the Training Room 1, Grantham Hospital