Tobacco Dependency Service

Our Tobacco Dependency Service can offer inpatients nicotine replacement therapy, advice and support during their stay in hospital.

In line with national requirements, all of our sites are smoke free.

If you smoke, the best thing you can do to improve your health is to stop smoking.  This will not only help your recovery and wound healing, but will also reduce the risk of complications following a procedure.

You are three times more likely to successfully quit with advice, support and alternative forms of nicotine than by willpower alone.

If you do not feel able to stop entirely before your procedure, the best advice in planning for your trip to hospital is to swap cigarettes for other less harmful forms of nicotine such as wide variety of nicotine replacement therapy.

Smoking and hospital stays

The ward staff will ask all patients if they smoke on admission to the hospital and will be referred to the in-house tobacco dependency service who will offer advice, nicotine replacement therapy and behavioural support.

All inpatients required to stay in our wards overnight or longer will be offered alternative forms of nicotine as soon as possible after admission to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings through our Tobacco Dependency Service.


Visitors and outpatients

For free help and support to quit smoking, please contact your local stop smoking service below:

One You Lincolnshire

Live Well Leicester

Your Health Nottinghamshire



Staff can complete the patient eReferrals via the link on the intranet.


Additional resources

The Tobacco and Vapes Bill: What you need to know

Protecting children, families and vulnerable from tobacco harms