Specialist rehabilitation

The specialist rehabilitation medicine service provides countywide inpatient, outpatient and community rehabilitation outreach services to adults with recent and long term physical disabilities. Rehabilitation is a whole team process provided in a variety of settings.


 Rehabilitation Medicine is dedicated to the assessment and management of people with recent and long term neurological conditions. Rehabilitation is a multi-disciplinary team process provided in a variety of settings including inpatient, outpatient clinics and in the community. The aim of rehabilitation is to reduce the impact of disability, enhance independence, prevent complications and promote a healthy lifestyle.


 Referrals for inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient consultation or outreach services will be received from hospital consultants, general practitioners and other healthcare professionals.

Inpatient facilities

 Inpatient rehabilitation is available at Ashby Ward, Lincoln County Hospital. This is a specialist ward with 18 rehabilitation medicine beds. Patients admitted have a range of neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis or acquired brain injury. Patients will be assessed and provided with a treatment plan according to their abilities and needs. Patients should be medically fit, motivated and capable of participation in a rehabilitation programme.

The Rehabilitation Programme is likely to include Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy along with other therapies as needed.


 The Physiotherapists on Ashby Ward offer a range of evidence based interventions depending on the patient’s clinical needs and goals.

Physiotherapists have skills in promoting physical activity, reablement and empowering individuals through self management skills.

Treatment may include use of standing frames, tilt table or parallel bars, gait re-education, task specific training and falls management.

Family members/carers are encouraged to attend physiotherapy sessions as appropriate.

Occupational Therapy

 Accidents and illnesses can turn everyday activities into challenges which reduce independence and undermine our sense of identity. Occupational therapists recognise that being able to perform these daily activities is crucial to health and wellbeing and aim therapy towards empowering people to be active participants in their own lives. To the profession, occupation means all the activities and roles a person undertakes, enjoys and values.

The goals of occupational therapy intervention are to:

  • promote performance of desired occupations
  • prevent problems in performance of occupations
  • resolve identified problems in performing occupations

Occupational therapy intervention can target:

  • the person (restoring/establishing skills eg building the stamina to self-care following illness)
  • the environment (compensating/adapting eg using assistive equipment)

Occupational Therapy helps to find the best fit between you, your environment and your desired occupation (eg adapting environment whilst building new skills to support your strengths, whilst minimising your restrictions).

Outpatient clinics

 Outpatient consultations involve assessment and management of new patients and those patients receiving follow up care by the service to monitor progress and prevent long term complications.

General neuro-rehabilitation clinics are held in Lincoln, Louth, Boston and Grantham.  Specialist clinics include spasticity, head injury and joint neuro-rehabilitation/orthotic.

Rehabilitation Medicine Community Neuro-Outreach Service

The community outreach rehabilitation team provides a county-wide service to people with a long term condition or following major trauma who have complex rehabilitation needs. We offer advice, information and support to patients and their families. Team members include clinical nurse specialists, specialist occupational therapist, specialist neuro-physiotherapist and rehabilitation assistant.

The Rehabilitation Medicine Service has strong links with a range of allied services for support in the ongoing management of people with long term neurological problems.


A senior dietician will see inpatients referred for dietetic assessment and treatment. Patients may continue to be offered dietetic support as outpatients or for those who are discharged on enteral (tube) feeds, support will be offered by the home enteral feeding dietetic team.

Wheelchair Services

The Lincolnshire Wheelchair Service provides a comprehensive wheelchair service for people who have problems with mobility, including the assessment, provision and maintenance of wheelchairs, pressure relieving cushions and associated special seating. Eligibility criteria for different types of equipment are available on request. Written referrals are accepted from healthcare professionals and social service occupational therapists, using the wheelchair service referral forms.

Electronic Assistive Technology

The Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) service supports people with severe physical disability providing equipment to control aspects of the home environment, including security, access control, telephone communications, home entertainment, computer access and supporting the Speech and Language Therapy Service to provide communication aids.

Speech and Language Therapy

The Speech and Language Therapy service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people with communication and swallowing difficulties. Speech and language Therapists aim to maximise the communicative abilities of the individual, promoting alternatives to speech, where necessary. A communication aids service is provided by speech and language therapy working closely with electronic assistive technology. Speech and language therapists also assess people with swallowing disorders in order to advise on the safety of swallowing and to recommend appropriate exercises and strategies.

Social Services

The Rehabilitation Medicine Service works in liaison with Social Services to help people leave hospital and to provide support in the community through arranging care packages and assessment for equipment and home adaptations. 


The role of Neuropsychology involves the assessment of the cognitive, emotional and behavioural effects arising from brain injury and other neurological illnesses and advice on the best way of overcoming these. Working in close relationship with the rehabilitation team they help people and their families to tackle any psychological problems linked with disability, so they can live life to the full.

Artificial Limb Services

The Artificial Limb Service is provided by the mobility centre at Nottingham City Hospital offering a local service for lower limb amputees from North Lincolnshire and Skegness. The service provides assessment for the measurement of artificial limbs for new amputees and the review of established amputees. More complex assessment for lower limb provision and upper limb fitting is currently provided at the mobility centre. 

Orthotic Service (Surgical Appliances)

The Orthotic Service provides an assessment for specialist appliances (orthoses) in the management of physical disability such as footwear products, limb splints, provision of protective helmets and neck supports. The service provides local general orthotic clinics and specialist paediatric and rehabilitation orthotic clinics. Referrals are accepted from designated healthcare professionals following eligibility criteria.

Contact information

Ashby Ward – Lincoln County Hospital

Medical Secretaries – 01522 573926/27/28

Lincoln Neuro Outreach Team – 01522 573698

Boston Neuro Outreach Team – 01205 446411

Grantham Neuro Outreach Team – 01476 464971

Louth Neuro Outreach Team – 01507 631455

Lincolnshire Wheelchair Service

Millbrook Healthcare

Telephone: 03332 400101  Fax: 03333 210 020

Neuropsychology  -Tel: 01522 508323

Electronic Assistive Technology

Tel: 01522  697282   Fax: 01522 694110

Available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday


Rehabilitation Medicine Service

 c/o Occupational Therapy Department

Lincoln County Hospital

Patient information

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has worked with AccessAble to create detailed Access Guides to facilities, wards and departments at our sites. www.accessable.co.uk/united-lincolnshire-hospitals-nhs-trust