The speciality of haematology has sub-specialties organised according to the special needs of groups of patients and includes:
- Haemato-oncology: acute and chronic leukaemias, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndromes
- Haemostasis/thrombosis: haemophilia, thrombophilia, acquired bleeding disorders
- Disorders of blood production and destruction: bone marrow failure, inherited and acquired; haemolytic anaemias, autoimmune blood diseases, haemoglobinopathies
- Transfusion medicine: blood transfusion services, therapeutic apheresis
Laboratory service
Path Links is a Lincolnshire-wide laboratory pathology service serving a population of more than one million people across Lincoln, Boston, Grantham, Grimsby and Scunthorpe. Path Links is managed by Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust (NLaG) which is made up of Scunthorpe General Hospital, Goole Hospital and Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby.
There are blood transfusion laboratories at Lincoln County Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston and Grantham and District Hospital.
Cancer services
The cancer services are part of the Strategic Clinical Network. There are eight consultant haematologists working for the Trust.
Service locations
As outlined in the haematology improving outcomes guidance there are four levels of service, defined as follows:
- Level 1: Outpatient care, daycase chemotherapy, limited inpatient chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), management of neutropenic sepsis
- Level 2: Facilities for acute leukaemia, using intensive chemotherapy regimens, and aggressive lymphoma
- Level 3: Autologous transplantation
- Level 4: Autologous and allogenic transplantation
The four levels of service is provided at the following hospitals across the region:
- Level 1: Pilgrim Hospital, Boston (Ward 7A); Lincoln County Hospital (Waddington Unit) and Grantham and District Hospital (although without facilities for neutropenic sepsis)
- Level 2: Lincoln County Hospital
- Level 3: Nottingham City Hospital
- Level 4: Nottingham City Hospital
Grantham hospital also provides a haematological outreach outpatient service.