Community Paediatric Resources

Helpful resources for those using community paediatric services


Shine Lincolnshire (Lincolnshire ADHD resource)

ADHD Information Services

ADHD Foundation

ADHD and You

Electronic Medicines Compendium

Food for the Brain Foundation

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum


National Autistic Society

Lincolnshire Autistic Society

Parents and Autistic Children Together

Children’s therapy services (sensory processing disorder)

ELSA support (emotional support for children)

Working Together Team



Sensory processing disorder

STAR Institute

Sensory Processing Disorder zoom training course – (courses delivered remotely roughly once per month)

School refusal/self exclusion

Red Balloon Learner Centres

Mental health links

Lincolnshire Here4You 0800 234 6342 (under 13’s)

Young Minds

Lincolnshire Mental Health Helpline 0800 001 4331 – accessible 24/7



Kooth (online wellbeing support community)


Click ‘Young People’ > ‘I need more help’ > ‘Healthy Minds Lincolnshire’ (over 13’s)

Click ‘Young People’ > ‘I need more help’ > ‘CAMHS’

Bromhead Medical Charity

Rainbow Stars (support group for additional needs)

Education/school information and advice

Identifying and supporting SEND


SEND local offer


IPSEA- taking action when things go wrong

IPSEA- Get support

Coram Child Law Advice

Requesting an ECHP

Identifying and supporting SEND

EHC hub

If you are unable to use the hub and would like to submit a request, please contact SEND business support by email, or phone 01522 553332.

Family service directory Lincolnshire

SEND local offer

Risk of exclusion


Lincolnshire Behaviour Outreach Support Service (BOSS) has been commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council.  They primarily work with Lincolnshire mainstream schools and academies to support pupils displaying distressed behaviour that is compromising their learning and school attendance, and/or the learning of their peers, and who are at risk of exclusion.

Family Action

0808 026 666

Early help assessment (intervention from social services)

Customer Services Team/safeguarding (01522) 782111

Team around the child contact information (TAC team)

Team around the child

Telephone (01522) 555828

Excluded from school

School exclusions

Email [email protected]

Call (01522) 555798 (North Lincolnshire) or (01522) 555816 (South Lincolnshire)