Our posts offer a wide range of clinical experience in interesting jobs under experienced consultants.
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Paediatrics – Boston & Lincoln
- Care of the Elderly, Boston
- Psychiatry/Psychogeriatrics/Community Psychiatry, Boston and Boston/Skegness Community
- Accident and Emergency, Boston
- Cardiology, Boston
- Trauma and Orthopaedics, Boston
- Palliative Care – St Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln
- Acute Medical Unit (AMU), Pilgrim Hospital ULHT.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
GP registrars are encouraged to suture, perform low forceps deliveries and undertake evacuations while on call. Senior staff are available and approachable when help is needed. There are many opportunities for gaining as much practical experience as any individual may wish. Together with the overall mix of the different aspects of the field, this make this post an excellent grounding for obstetrics and gynaecology in general practice.
Paediatrics – Boston & Lincoln
The paediatric posts cover both general and neo-natal paediatrics. The unit has been refurbished and has particularly comfortable facilities for families of children within the unit. There is a dedicated children’s Outpatient Clinic housed within the Maternity Unit. It is possible to regularly attend general and specialised combined paediatric outpatient clinics. There are also opportunities to rotate into community-based paediatrics.
Care of the Elderly, Boston
This job offers good experience of acute hospital medicine in the elderly, rehabilitation and social aspects of elderly care. There is an opportunity for the GP registrar to accompany the consultant on domiciliary consultations. They will also be opportunities to visit the periphery hospitals.
Psychiatry/Psychogeriatrics/Community Psychiatry, Boston and Boston/Skegness Community
The psychiatry posts offers the GP registrar an excellent teaching programme in psychiatry as well as wide exposure to all aspects of adult psychiatry, including liaison, outpatient work, multi-disciplinary work. community mental health teams and experience in the psychiatry of old age.
Accident and Emergency, Boston
This post offers wide experience in dealing with acute medical and surgical emergencies, especially trauma. During the first two weeks of the post, there is a compulsory teaching programme in line with ATLS and ALS, on the management of trauma and cardiac emergencies.
Cardiology, Boston
This post will provide support to three full time consultant cardiologists and two other part-time cardiologists providing acute cardiac services via a dedicated coronary care, and step down facility. The post will contribute to the provision of a wide range of non-invasive cardiac diagnostics. It will also involve work in our clinical decisions unit and acute medical wards, together with a busy outpatient service.
Trauma and Orthopaedics, Boston
The orthopaedic post includes on call for trauma covering fractures and other orthopaedic emergencies presenting to the A&E department and their management. It also involves the care of orthopaedic inpatients, including hip fracture management under the national award winning hip fracture team. There is the possibility to attend both fracture and specialist elective clinics conducted by consultants on site with prior arrangement. The department also has its own dedicated half day teaching session on Mondays.
Palliative Care – St Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln
This post offers the opportunity to work in the hospice inpatient unit, looking after palliative patients needing complex symptom management, psychological support and end of life care. The GP registrar is well supported by senior medical staff and works as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. There is a strong emphasis on supervision, education and training. Opportunities will be provided to spend time with the hospital, hospice at home and day therapy teams. There is also an expectation that GP registrars will be able to attend a communication skills course provided through the hospice.
Acute Medical Unit (AMU), Pilgrim Hospital ULHT.
The Acute Medical Unit is the 24 bed short stay ward for acute medicine. It is situated on the ground floor of Pilgrim Hospital, in close proximity to A&E, ambulatory emergency care (AEC) and the radiology department. AMU is a fantastic learning environment for GP trainees. It offers the opportunity experience the breadth of unselected emergency medical presentations referred from emergency medicine and primary care. The consultant led unit has a strong focus on delivering all relevant aspects of the Foundation, Core Medical, GPVTS and Higher specialist training (GIM) curricula.
Our GP trainees find ambulatory emergency care very useful as it allows them to follow the patient’s journey from primary care referral through to discharge from the unit on the same day. This often is a great opportunity to undertake work based assessments with the dedicated AEC consultant or registrar as well as receive instant feedback on cases seen.
There is a multi-disciplinary team working across the front door. These include the community in reach, independent living team, CRISIS team, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work etc. Our GP trainees work alongside these professionals. They quickly become apprised to the different community services to avoid a hospital admission or support early discharge of patients. We welcome innovation in how we deliver acute care and will be keen to discuss any ideas you have during your posting.
Please e-mail the Programme Manager [email protected] to request our full programme booklet.