Tuesday 1 March 2016: Grantham and District Hospital

Board meetings

Trust Board papers – March 2016

Meeting of the Trust Board

Tuesday 1 March 2016 to be held at 10am in training room 1, Grantham and District Hospital


1. Apologies for absence

Declarations of Interest

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2016 for accuracy

3. Matters arising from the previous meeting/Action Log

4. Chairman’s Update

5. Chief Executive’s Update

Questions from members of the public

6. Quality and Patient Experience

6.1 Portfolio Improvement Programme

6.2 Quality Report
• Safety
• Effectiveness
• Patient Experience
• Mortality

6.3 Nurse Staffing
Monthly Staffing Report
6 Monthly Safer Staffing Review
International Recruitment of Overseas Nurses

6.4 CQC Compliance Actions

6.5 Patient Story

7. Strategic Items

7.1 Lincolnshire Health and Care Update

8. Governance and Assurance

8.1 Performance
1) Integrated Performance Report
2) Finance Report
3) Human Resources

8.2 Staff Survey Results

8.3 Quality Governance Committee Assurance Report

8.4 Finance, Performance and Investment Committee Assurance Report

8.5 ToR Finance, Transformation and Performance Committee
Front cover

8.6 Board Assurance Framework and Corporate Risk Register
Front cover

9. Operational Issues

9.1 Trust Development Authority – Provider Management Regime

9.2 Perfect Week Feedback
Perfect Week Report

10. Any Other Business

11. Date, venue and time of next meeting and end of public meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 April 2016 in the Boardroom, Lincoln County Hospital.


In accordance with Standing Order 3:1 and Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from this part of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest.


Item Agenda item Lead Time