
Find out how to improve awareness of your own feelings and perform more effectively as a result

We offer mindfulness courses to help you develop resilience and the ability to perform more effectively.

Mindfulness is a practice not a knowledge-enhancing exercise. The practice and techniques help us to be more aware of what we are feeling and how we are interacting with others.

They bring both professional and personal benefits by:

  • Enhancing focus and attention
  • Increasing self-awareness and the awareness of others
  • Improving your ability to handle stressful situations
  • Greater cognitive effectiveness and capacity for decision making
  • Enhancing sense of purpose
  • Increasing creativity.

We offer two courses:

  • A two-hours-a-week course that runs for six weeks
  • A day course which runs for three-and-a-half hours.

To find out dates for the next course, e-mail: [email protected] or call 01522 573597.

ULHT Mindfulness course overview