Tuesday 5 May 2016: Pilgrim Hospital, Boston

Trust Board papers – May 2016

Meeting of the Trust Board

Thursday 5 May 2016 to be held at 9.15am in the Committee Room, Pilgrim Hospital


1. Introduction, Welcome, Chair’s Opening Remarks and Health and Safety

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2016 for accuracy

5. Matters arising from the previous meeting/Action Log

6. Chief Executive’s Update and Environmental Scan

7. Patient Experience
7.1 Patient Story
Patient experience at Trust Board
7.2 Quality Report

8. Strategy
8.1 Lincolnshire Health and Care Update
8.2 Trust Annual Plan 2016/17
Covering letter
Annual Plan
8.3 Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update

9. Governance
9.1 Nurse Staffing Monthly Report
9.2 Performance
1) Integrated Performance Report
2) Finance Report
3) Human Resources

9.3 Quality Governance Committee Assurance Report
9.4 Finance, Service Improvement and Delivery Committee Assurance Report
9.5 Annual Governance Statement

10. For Approval
10.1 Items for Trust Board meeting 7 June 2016

11. Any Other Notified Items of Urgent Business 

12. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7 June  2016 in Training Room 1, Grantham and District Hospital.