United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust celebrates Volunteers’ Week 2023
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National Volunteers’ Week, which took place from Thursday 1 June until Wednesday 7 June, is being celebrated once again.
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National Volunteers’ Week, which took place from Thursday 1 June until Wednesday 7 June, is being celebrated once again.
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A family whose baby died shortly after birth is helping to support others going through the same heartbreak.
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The Pets As Therapy (PAT) charity has started to bring its ‘four-legged friends’ to visit hospital patients and staff in Lincolnshire.
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We are once again inviting Lincolnshire Schools to take part in making Christmas cards for patients who are in our hospitals over the festive period.
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A couple celebrating their Diamond wedding anniversary have had help to mark the occasion from amazing staff on a hospital ward where the husband was being cared for.
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The United Lincolnshire Hospitals Charity’s Upon a Star Christmas campaign is taking place for the second year.